G99 Paperwork and Procedures Course
May 9, 2023
HETAS H010 Stove Installation in Small Craft
June 26, 2023BPEC Solar PV Qualification Renewal
£495.00 + VAT
This 2 day course is designed for experienced qualified installers that need to update their BPEC qualification (which requires a renewal every 5 years.)
This 2 day course is designed for experienced qualified installers that need to update their BPEC qualification (which requires a renewal every 5 years) – the qualification must not be more than a year out of date.
The course will cover:
- Recap of current standards.
- Calculating a system.
- System design.
- System testing.
- DNO paperwork.
- G98 procedures.
Entry Requirements: Must provide evidence of a BPEC Solar PV qualification that isn’t more than a year out of date.
Certification: BPEC Level 3 Award in the Installation and Maintenance of Small Scale Solar PV Systems.
Price includes exam fees, certification and work books that are issued on the courses.
Locations available: Chesterfield – GRE Energy Training, Unit 70, M1 Commerce Park, Markham Lane, Duckmanton, Chesterfield, S44 5HS.