New Heat Pump Proposal for Low Income Households
November 13, 2023
Vehicle 2 Home Technology
November 28, 2023Things are looking promising with ofgem announcing a new ‘tough policy to clear zombie projects and cut waiting time for energy.’ (“ENA Responds to Ofgem’s New Rules to Speed up Grid Connections,” 2023) This differs from the current policy that prioritises whoever is first, which can lead to long waiting time when projects are abandoned.
The ENA have responded to this new policy introduced by ofgem stating, “today’s announcement from Ofgem is a significant milestone in accelerating and improving grid connections. While there’s plenty of work still to do, this is welcome news and we will continue to work with Ofgem and the government, as well as across our membership, to make progress on this and other major areas of reform.” (“Ofgem Announces Tough New Policy to Clear ‘Zombie Projects’ and Cut Waiting Time for Energy Grid Connection,” 2023)
Read the full article by clicking here.
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Ofgem announces tough new policy to clear ‘zombie projects’ and cut waiting time for energy grid connection. (2023, November 13). Ofgem. Retrieved November 21, 2023, from https://www.ofgem.gov.uk/publications/ofgem-announces-tough-new-policy-clear-zombie-projects-and-cut-waiting-time-energy-grid-connection
ENA responds to Ofgem’s new rules to speed up grid connections. (2023, November 13). ENA. Retrieved November 21, 2023, from https://www.energynetworks.org/newsroom/ena-responds-to-ofgems-new-rules-to-speed-up-grid-connections