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December 11, 2023Vehicle to home (V2H) is an exciting new technology which could potentially change the way we store energy for homes, which is currently achieved by installing a battery (commonly along with PV) which can be expensive. Due to electric cars essentially being a big battery on wheels, it makes sense to be able to store energy through them, and provide additional power.
This technology also allows the home owner to move ‘off-grid’, which is particularly beneficial with the energy price cap set to rise in January, by cutting the users annual energy bills by taking advantage of the surplus generated (“What Is Vehicle to Home (V2H)?,” 2023.) Therefore, it is likely we will see the utilization of V2H rise in the UK. Despite the benefits, currently it can be a challenge to install this system into the home, and only a few models are capable of connecting to a house. Therefore, there is still some work to be done on the technology, but it is certainly something to be aware of as the renewable market continues to grow as we head towards net zero.
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Top Charger > Guides > Vehicle to Home (V2H): What is it and how does it work? Guides Vehicle to Home (V2H): What is it and how does it work? (2023, September 24). Top Charger.
What is Vehicle to Home (V2H)? (2023, October 19). Electric Car Guide.